2023 Superbet Chess Classic: Day 4 Recap
The tie at the top was broken today as Fabiano Caruana won a critical game against Ian Nepomniachtchi to emerge as the sole leader with 3.0/4. Meanwhile, Rapport drew with So, while Firouzja picked up his first win of the event, defeating Deac with Black. DING - DUDA | 1/2-1/2, 38 moves Once again, the new World Champion did not achieve much with White, as he tried a rare idea in the Catalan. Du..
2023.05.10 -
FIDE World Youth U16 Chess Olympiad 2023: Registration is open
FIDE and the Royal Dutch Chess Federation (KNSB) have the pleasure of inviting all national chess federations to participate in the FIDE World Youth U-16 Chess Olympiad, which will be held in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, from August 12-19, 2023. All FIDE member federations have the right to send one team as their invited team. Each team shall comprise four players, with boys and girls represented..
2023.05.09 -
2023 Superbet Chess Classic: Day 3 Recap
Fabiano Caruana was the sole winner of the third day of the 2023 Superbet Chess Classic, defeating Maxime Vachier-Lagrave to join Nepomniachtchi, So, and Rapport in the leaders group, all with 2.0/3 points. The other games of the round were drawn, including a rematch of the 2023 FIDE World Championship, in which Nepomniachtchi squandered a big advantage out of the opening against Ding Liren. FIR..
2023.05.09 -
2023 Superbet Chess Classic: Day 2 Recap
Day 2 of the Superbet Chess Classic saw Ian Nepomniachtchi and Richard Rapport join Wesley So in the lead, with Nepomniachtchi defeating Deac with Black while Rapport ground down Duda in an opposite-coloured bishop endgame. DING - CARUANA | ½-½, 21 moves Facing Ding’s Catalan, Caruana opted for a tricky line starting with 8…Nc6. It seems Ding was caught off-guard as he started to spend time, but..
2023.05.09 -
★999포커스타 챔피언십★
999포커스타 챔피언십 (999PokerStar Championship) 총 PRIZE 3,000만! 회차 별 40엔트리 고정! 999포커스타 유튜브에서 고퀄리티로 생중계되는 홀덤 대회! 1. 이벤트 내용 각 회차마다 빅팟999와 오프라인 999존 스튜디오에서 총 40엔트리를 선발하여 매월 주말 본선 경기를 진행합니다. 본선경기의 파이널 테이블은 유튜브 '999포커스타 채널을 통해 생중계 되며, 본인의 경기 영상을 소장할 수 있습니다. 2. 이벤트 기간 -온라인예선 5월 1일 ~ 5월 18일(오후 11시에 시작하는 스페셜토너먼트 우승자 -오프라인 예선 : 999존으로 문의 3. 본선일정 - 날짜: 5월 20일(토) -시간: 오후 3시 -장소: 999ZONE 스튜디오(서울 강남구 학동로2길 56 3층) -..
2023.05.09 -
Published by Aivo Oll on 2023-05-05 Here are the groups for this year: High League: 1. Oll Aivo Estonia aivo 2. Filinov Vladimir Russian Renju Association renjubase 3. Koreshkov Valeriy Russian Renju Association kvant9 4. Kang Hong Chul Korea findfind 5. Qian Yunbing China hanli 6. Fedorkin Oleg Russian Renju Association ofedorkin 7. Yamamoto Mitsuo Japan okina 8. Zhong Zichen China yaochonghua ..