신진서에 도전장 내민 박정환, 쏘팔코사놀
제4기 쏘팔코사놀 최고기사 결정전 22일부터 신진서와 도전5번기 펼쳐 2기 대회 시상식. 준우숭자 박정화(왼쪽)9단 우승자 신진서 9단 /사진=한국기원 박정환 9단이 쏘팔코사놀 최고기사 결정전에서 신진서 9단에게 도전장을 내민다. 15일 성남 판교 K바둑스튜디오에서 열린 제4기 쏘팔코사놀 최고기사 결정전 본선리그 9라운드에서 박정환 9단이 변상일 9단에게 232수 만에 백 불계승했다. 마지막 경기에 앞서 4월 27일 열린 8라운드 경기에서 신민준 9단에게 178수 만에 백 불계승하며 일찌감치 도전권을 획득한 박정환 9단은 마지막 경기에서도 화룡점정하며 8전 전승으로 본선리그를 마쳤다. 도전자가 된 박정환 9단은 “신진서 9단에게 다시 한 번 도전할 기회가 생겨 정말 기쁘다”면서 “상대를 의식하면 내 바둑..
2023.05.22 -
Asian Championships 2023: Registration is open
The winners of the Championships qualify for the FIDE World Cup 2023 in Baku The Asian Continental Chess Championships (the Open Championship and the Women’s Championship) will be held from June 3-12, 2023 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The prize fund for the event is $100,000. Even most importantly, the four top finishers in the Open Championship and the top two in the Women’s Championship will qualify..
2023.05.18 -
FIDE World Amateur Championships 2023 announced
FIDE and the Oman Chess Committee invite all FIDE Member Federations and eligible players with FIDE rating under 2300 to participate in the FIDE World Amateur Chess Championships (Open and Women sections). The Championships will take place in Muscat, Oman, from November 01-11, 2023. The Championships are open for players registered by their national federation. FIDE member federations have the r..
2023.05.18 -
2023 장기 신인왕전 본선 일정
● 일시: 2023. 5. 14. 10시~ ● 장소: (사)대한장기협회 특별대국실(종로구 평창문화로 136 동화킴스호텔 5층) ● 생중계: 유튜브 채널 ● 협찬 후원 : 박대근 회장 출처:(사)대한장기협회
2023.05.16 -
The 2023 World Renju Open will be held in Anji, China, from June 14 to June 19, 2023. 1. Competition grouping: The competition is divided into groups according to age. Men and women are no longer divided into groups. Group A: born before December 31, 2005 Group B: born from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2012 Group C: born from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2014 Group D: born after January 1,..
2023.05.16 -
FIDE World Senior Team Championships 2023: Registration is open
FIDE and the Chess Federation of North Macedonia are happy to invite all FIDE member federations and eligible teams to participate in the World Senior Team Chess Championships 2023. The championships will be held in Struga (Ohrid Lake) from September 18 (arrival) to September 29 (departure), 2023. The event will be played in two categories: age 50+ and age 65+ with separate events for women. Eve..