Queens’ Chess Festival returns in July
The Queens’ Online Chess Festival, a series of continental women’s online blitz tournaments, is returning this summer. The third edition of the popular event, organized by the FIDE Commission for Women’s Chess in cooperation with FIDE, will take place from July 02-16, 2023, on Tornelo online platform. The festival welcomes all women chess players from around the world of all ages and all rating ..
2023.05.31 -
FIDE WGP: Dinara Wagner reigns in Cyprus
GM Kateryna Lagno and GM Aleksandra Goryachkina qualified for the Candidates. It’s not often that the lowest-rated player in the field takes down a tough event, but WGM Dinara Wagner fought against the odds in Cyprus and achieved the most important success in her career. In the last-round, must-win scenario, Wagner defeated GM Bella Khotenashvili with Black in one of the most exciting rounds of ..
2023.05.31 -
Georg Meier wins American Continental Championship 2023
A native of Germany GM Georg Meier, representing Uruguay, emerged as the winner of the 2023 American Continental Chess Championship 2023. The 11-round Swiss tournament with classical time control took place from May 15-23 in Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic. The event brought together 162 players from all around the Americas. The top four finishers qualified for the 2023 FIDE World Cup, which is a..
2023.05.25 -
FIDE WGP Cyprus: Wagner holds the lead with three rounds to go
Several guests made an appearance at the Nicosia Hilton this afternoon to follow the eighth round live. The ceremonial first move was played by Olga Milko, Business Development Director of Freedom Finance Europe, the main event’s sponsor. After starting the game between Assaubayeva and Khotenashvili, she was kind enough to spare some time to talk to us about the projects with the Cyprus Chess Fe..
2023.05.25 -
제22회 999포커스타챔피언십 파이널테이블
YouTube 999포커스타-제22회 포커스타 챔피언십 파이널테이블 생중계 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16PW9EOHu2U 제22회 포커스타 챔피언십 수상내역 총 출연료 3000만 수상내역 1등 : 도도홀덤TV 2등 : 부천홀덤스타_대발 3등: KMGM광안점_광사 4등 : 부천홀덤스타_미앤미 5등 : TURN_케이와이 6등 : 부천홀덤스타_따시기 7등 : 제이키 입상하신 모든 분들 축하드립니다 준우승 : 부천홀덤스타_대발 우승 : 도도홀덤TV 출처: https://cafe.naver.com/bigpot999
2023.05.23 -
23회 999포커스타 챔피언십 (6/3)
999포커스타 챔피언십 (999Poker Star Championship) 총 PRIZE 3,000만! 회차 별 40엔트리 고정! 999포커스타 유튜브에서 고퀄리티로 생중 계되는 홀덤 대회! 1. 이벤트 내용 각 회차마다 빅팟999와 오프라인 999존 스튜디오에서 총 40 엔트리를 선발하여 매월 주말 본선 경기를 진행합니다. 본선경기의 파이널 테이블은 유튜브 '999포커스타' 채널을 통해 생중계 되며, 본인의 경기 영상을 소장할 수 있습니다. 2. 이벤트 기간 -온라인 예선 : 5월 19일 ~ 6월 1일 (오후 11시에 시작하는 스페셜토너먼트 우승자) -오프라인예선 : 999존으로 문의 3. 본선일정 -날짜: 6월 3일(토) -시간: 오후 3시 -장소: 999ZONE 스튜디오(서울 강남구 학동로 2길 5..